Wooden Cross
Looking Unto Jesus
Laurel Crown

“Christ Our Passover”

poem by

Rebecca Fair Doney

Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. 1 Corinthians 5:7-8

And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, this cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord's death till he come. 1 Corinthians 11:24-26

My Child

In the dark night, when Egypt lay asleep,

Then blessed the bread, and as each one did take,

Forth went the angel, god's command to keep:

"This is my body, broken for your sake."

Slay all the firstborn, even from the throne.

Oft as ye drink this wine, and eat this bread

In the dark night, when Egypt lay asleep,

Then blessed the bread, and as each one did take,

Forth went the angel, god's command to keep:

"This is my body, broken for your sake."

Slay all the firstborn, even from the throne.

Oft as ye drink this wine, and eat this bread

Down through the realm to the humblest home.

Ye do show forth the suffering of your Head.


Swift was his work; and on the midnight air,

Bearing the whole world's load of guilt and shame.

Oh, what a cry of anguish, and despair

Knowing his own would soon deny his name;

Rose, from the hearts of those in every home:

Knowing, by God, he would forsaken be,

God's word was sure; the last great plague had come.

Thus our Lord went to his Gethsemane.


But in the homes of Israel, what a sight!

And still that sacred feast down through the years,

Darkness without, in every dwelling, light.

Thy saints commemorate with holy tears,

Clad for a journey; shoes upon thier feet;

Keeping the words of him, who said, "This do

With a staff in hand, a solemn feast they eat.

In mem'ry of my dying love for you."


Their father's God had heard their cries at last:

In this dark night, Lord, we, thy firstborns meet,

His time had come; their bondage now was past

With staff in hand and shoes upon our feet.

So in that night while Egypt mourned her dead,

Thy precious blood is sprinkled on our hearts;

They ate the lamb with bitter herbs and bread.

Thy broken body life to us imparts.


But why this blood we see on every door?

Come dearest Lord, and bless us while we feast;

Why does the angel, seeing, pass it o'er?

Around this board, be thou our honored Guest.

Israel's firstborn in Egypt's danger shared;

We eat, and drink, and here our vows renew:

And only through that blood could they be spared.

Oh, to our vows, Lord, keep us ever true!


Centuries passed; and still by God's command,

All earthly hopes and joys, behind us lay;

Each year they slew, and ate the paschal lamb.

Lord, we would walk with thee, the narrow way.

Not that its blood could for their sins alone,

What is earth's joy and what its glittering dross?

But as a type of One that yet should come.

We gladly leave it all for thy dear cross.


That sinless One, who, hanging on a tree,

Thy matchless sacrifice doth us afford.

Bore all earth's sins, to set the prisoners free;

A chance to share thy sufferings, dearest Lord.

That Righteous One, that perfect Lamb of God

Broken with thee, we claim this privilege rare,

Who for the world gave his most precious blood.

That in thy joys we may obtain a share.


Our blessed Lord, with those whom he loved best,

On this Atonement Day, we would lay down

On that last night, sat down to keep the feast.

Upon the altar, Lord, beside thine own,

"With great desire," he told his chosen few,

Our sacrifice; it is so very small;

"Have I desired to eat this feast with you

Take, Lord, and offer it; it is our all.


"My heart is grieved; for I betrayed shall be

Some glorious morn the angelic host shall sing!

By one of you, my chosen company."

Some glorious morn the bells of heaven ring!

"Lord, is it I?" each asked in trembling tone.

The Church of Christ has passed her trial stage;

"Nay, Lord, we'll die with thee!" cried everyone.

Eternal bliss is hers from age to age.


But in great sorrow, still our Lord did say,

Before his Father's throne, with love and pride,

"One shall deny; another shall betray;

Christ shall present his perfect, spotless Bride.

All be offended, and flee unto their own—

The feast begins; the marriage hour has come;

But for my Father, I should be alone."

Christ and his faitful, are forever one.


After the feast, he took the cup, and said:

On that blest day, the Bridegroom shall sit down,

"Drink ye of it; for you my blood was shed.

With his Bride beside him on the throne.

I drink no more, until I drink with you,

To share his joys; to see his blessed face;

In that glad day, when we shall drink it new."

In that blest throng, oh Lord, give us a place.