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Old Testament Parables

29 Old Testament Parables

A Parable is a type of analogy presented in a simple spoken or written form, without extraneous detail or distracting circumstances, that generally feature human characters to illustrate a universal moral or spiritual truth. This narrative generally relates a single, simple, consistent action that often involves a character facing a moral dilemma, or making a questionable decision and then suffering the consequences.

29 Old Testament Parables
compiled by Brian Kuehmichel©
Parables (parabolic sayings) are word pictures using symbolic references to actual things to teach spiritual truths.
Enacted Parables
Jeremiah 13:1-11
The Linen Waist-Cloth
While at Jerusalem
Prophecy by Jeremiah before captivity
The Lord is emphasising that the nation is an evil people, disobedient, haughty and stubborn, idolatrous and impertinent.
Jeremiah 18:1-10
The Potter
While at Jerusalem
Prophecy by Jeremiah before captivity
The Lord will do to Israel and the nations as a potter does to form a vessel
Ezek 4:1-3
Jerusalem's Seige
Exiled in Chaldea by Chebar River
Prior to Jerusalem's Fall
Portraying impending doom of Jerusalem
Ezek 4:4-6
Jerusalem's Iniquity
Exiled in Chaldea by Chebar River
Prior to Jerusalem's Fall
Portraying iniquity of Israel for 390 and Judah for 40 days
Ezek 4:7-8
Jerusalem's Confinement
Exiled in Chaldea by Chebar River
Prior to Jerusalem's Fall
Portraying seige of Jerusalem with its confinement
Ezek 4:9-12 (13-17)
Jerusalem's Starvation
Exiled in Chaldea by Chebar River
Prior to Jerusalem's Fall
Portraying starvation and degradation of inhabitants during seige
Ezek 5:1-4 (5-17)
Jerusalem's Sinfulness
Exiled in Chaldea by Chebar River
Prior to Jerusalem's Fall
Portrays starvation and degradation of inhabitants during seige and later in exile
Spoken Parables
Judges 9:7-15
The Trees making a King
Top of Mount Ger'izim
Abim'elech slew his brothers the sons of Jerubba'al
Jotham spoke this to show the foolishness of the men of Shechem
Judges 14:14
Samson's Riddle
Samson at Wedding
Honey came out of a lion's carcass
2 Samuel 12:1-4 (5-14)
The Poor Man's Ewe Lamb
Jerusalem - Nathan to King David
David's Sin to Bathsheba & Uriah
Aids David in Fully Recognizing His Own Sins
2 Samuel 14:6-11
The Woman of Tekoah, etc.
Jerusalem before King David
Ab'salom's banishment by King David
To prompt David to restore Ab'salom to home and family
1 Kings 20:38-42 (35-40)
The Escaped Prisoner
At city of Aphek
Ben-ha'dad of Syria fled into city of Aphek
A prophet speaks this to test Ahab who thereby condemns himself
1 Kings 22:17-19, 19-23
The Vision of Micaiah
Gate of Sama'ria
Inquiring of prophets about retaking Ramoth-gilead
Micai'ah the prophet speaks about how God will test Ahab
2 Kings 14:8-9
The Thistle and Cedar
Amazi'ah Judah sought battle with Jeho'ash of Israel
Jeho'ash king of Israel said Amazi'ah king of Judah would be squashed in battle
Proverbs 23:29-35
The Drunkard
Counsel from Solomon
Speaks against intoxication by alcoholic beverages
Proverbs 24:30-34
The Sluggard and His Vineyard (Field)
Counsel from Solomon
Speaks against laziness and neglect leading to poverty and want
Eccles. 9:14-15
The Poor Wise Man
Counsel from Solomon
Speaks against lack of appreciation for services received
Isaiah 5:1-6
God's Vineyard (The Unfruitful Vineyard)
Prophecy by Isaiah about Israel's future
Vs 1-4 describe and vs 5-6 convey the doom of the vineyard - Israel
Isaiah 28:23-29
The Plowman (good out of evil)
Prophecy by Isaiah
God as an husbandman does different kinds of work, each in its right time and proportion.
Zechariah 11:3-11
The True and False Shepherd
Exiled in Chaldea by Chebar River
Lament by Zechariah in captivity
Describes Israel's moral, spiritual and civil decay and their destruction.
- given by Ezekiel -
Ezekiel 17:1-10
The Great Eagles and the Vine
Exiled in Chaldea by Chebar River
Prophecy by Ezekiel in captivity
Nebuchadnezzar would pluck up & carry off Jehoiachin to Babylon; while some would seek help from Pharoah of Egypt
Ezekiel 19:2-9
The Lion's Whelps
Exiled in Chaldea by Chebar River
Lament by Ezekiel in captivity
The sin and fall of Jehoahaz is described in lament.
Ezekiel 23:2-21
The Two Harlots
Exiled in Chaldea by Chebar River
Description of Samaria and Judah's guilt of idolatry
The apostasy of Israel and Samaria from God with their ruin; & the apostasy of Judah and Jerusalem from God
Ezekiel 24:3-5
The Boiling Pot, and it's scum
Exiled in Chaldea by Chebar River
Jerusalem's impending seige
Graphic description of Jerusalem's vileness and impending seige
Ezekiel 31:3-18
The Cedar in Lebanon
Exiled in Chaldea by Chebar River
Prophecy by Ezekiel in captivity
Spoken against Egypt, it tells of the humbling of Pharaoh.
Ezekiel 32:1-16
The Sea Monster
Exiled in Chaldea by Chebar River
Prophecy by Ezekiel in captivity
Spoken about Egypt, it tells of the effect on other nations from the humbling of Pharaoh.
Ezekiel 34:1-25
The Shepherds and the Flock
Exiled in Chaldea by Chebar River
Prophecy by Ezekiel in captivity
Church and state shepherds of Israel are condemned and evicted for neglect of help, mercy, justice, instruction in righteousness to their citizens.
Ezekiel 37:1-15
The Dry Bones in the valley
Exiled in Chaldea by Chebar River
Prophecy by Ezekiel in captivity
God promises Israel's restoration and deliverance for His glory patterned after the creation of man.
Ezekiel 47:1-12
The Living Waters
Exiled in Chaldea by Chebar River
Prophecy by Ezekiel in captivity
These waters seem to signify the gospel of Christ spread forth from Jerusalem.
Original: 4/16/2000; Modified On: 7/26/2004; 3/14/2011

Want to learn more? Expand your understanding with:
The Old Testament Parables by John MacDougall, B.D. and (suggests 48 parables)

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